** We’re collecting data on the VT campus RIGHT NOW! Leave your email and we’ll contact you with more info and to schedule you in! **

Research volunteers wanted for a brainwave study!

Our Penn State colleagues travel to SWVA to run this study. Participants will listen to words or sentences in English while wearing a cap of electrodes filled with a water-soluble gel to record their naturally-occurring neural activity. Participants are paid $15 an hour, and the experiment will take up 2-3 hours, in Shanks Hall on VT campus!


• You’ve spent most of your life in Southwest Virginia or Eastern Tennessee

• You grew up only speaking English and no other languages

• You have not reached high proficiency in a language other than English

• You are 18-35 years

• You are right-handed

• You have no history of hearing difficulties or neurological disorders

• You have normal or corrected-to-normal vision

For more information, please contact Adriana Miller at avm6943@psu.edu, or leave your contact information on this form, and we’ll reach out to you!